Brenda Goodridge
"Persephone will tell you everything you need to know, but in the meantime you must give me your word that you will protect my niece at all cost."
--- Brenda
Brenda Goodridge was the wife to Aiden, mother to Lar, and adopted mother to Desiree Lovely.
Brenda faced off with Isabella with a tranq gun in hand, but despite a weapon, she was no match against her more powerful adversary as she was overpowered and bitten in the neck, killing her. But before her dying death she asked Desiree to fulfill a final wish: To protect her niece, Amelia Cohen from the elf goddess, Kera, who intends to use her body as a vessel to be reborn.
Name Brenda Goodridge
Born Ember Falls, Massachusetts
Status Deceased
Early life
With Brenda's death, her soul stuck around to guide Desiree whenever she has a tough decision to make. She even with the help of Isabella's deceased family to stand down when she was on the verge of killing the young Runekeeper.
Powers and abilities
Brenda had no superhuman strength or any other special abilities for that matter other than some skills in magic and she is proficient in weaponry.